Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My mother used to read The Fly Lady's blog all the time. Her blog is tips about cleaning in a hurry. Like doing a little bit every day to maintain a clean house. She also has "Body Clutter" sheets you can fill out to see how bad or good you eat, what you should, etc. I used these for a while, but now I sort of know what to do with out the sheets, but if you need guidance and/or a newbie at dieting this is a good thing to have.  

This is her website:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sculptures... mOrE??

We have not had a lot of sculptures sent in lately so I assumed that everyone who wanted to send in there clay critter had already, but I was wrong. Alicea Gray, Age 20, Corpus Christi, TX  sent in:

How Cute! 

  Her story:

I came home from school and I was board so I looked on the internet and found your site. Pretty cool I must say. Anyway  I saw all the contests and stuff  'cause I read all of your posts for this year (so far). Here is my lovely little bug I call of course "Lovely Little Bug".

Thank You Alicea! And thank you to all our readers!

With Spicy, and Oh So Sassy Love,

Chipotle and Jalapeno

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hello, readers! Today I am going to talk about this website, HubPages. When you sign up, you can write imformative articles and get paid for it. How? Well, when you write an article, or what they call a "hub", you can sign up for Google AdSense, or Amazon Associates, and they will post ads on your hub. The more people that click on your ads, the more money you make. Thats the part I was disappointed in- you don't get paid for your quality of writing or skills. Its just how much people click on your ads. But another plus is that you get 60% of the money, and HubPages gets 40%. I think you get your fair-share... most other companies would "rip you off". HubPages is pretty easy. And if you are posting a hub and you want it a little less confusing (if you think it is), you can click Simplified Version which makes it 10x easier. But on the more complicated version you can add more detailed features.
Over all, I think is an excellent website if you want to make a little extra money. It is easy and free. Try it!
All Our Love,
Chipotle And Jalapeno

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lady Gaga Shoes.....

We all know Lady Gaga and her crazy clothes, but really who wears that stuff? I know it's a stage performance you have to have crazy clothes, but still you will know what I mean when you see these....

Wait, What?

Your feet are so cold they are growing ice!

Flip-Flops bust on you again?


OK....No comment

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Super Squirrel!

I have seen this photo randomly on google images a lot of times so I just wanted to share this SUPER SQUIRREL photo with you. I think it is cute. So as I was finding it again I found some other random squirrel pictures I would also like to share with you.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Hen Cam

Hello Readers! Today We would like to talk about this website. Its called The Hen Cam. It is hilarious! Go to The Hen Cam website and you can watch real chickens live! Its from a farm is Massachusetts and its so funny! But, you better go before about 6 PM or else they will be sleeping.  You should look at cute. You can look at a Goat Cam too, and from a view in the Coop.

Thanks for reading.

With Love, Spice, a Cluck, and a  Behhhh,

Chipotle and Jalapeno 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

6 Most Popular Posts!

Sadly, yes it is the last of day of our blogiversary event, but the good news....

It is the start of another great 6 months then it will have been a year!

In memoir of our first 6 months of blogging, here is our all time best posts:

1. Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Have you ever wanted to design a shirt for an occasion, but didn't know where to start? Well, at Custom Ink you can design your own shirt- and put anything on it you want. You also get shipping and handling all free! How awesome is that!?! You could just copy-paste something from the World Wide Web and put it on a shirt and wear it. Its also good for church groups, reunions, gatherings and you could even design your own soccer ball jersey- even though no one in your family is in soccer. Maybe, if you were kind enough, you could make & buy a shirt that has "Chipotle and Jalapeno: the two spicy chicks" on it. Just kidding! But, we will be hosting a contest about making the best Chipotle and Jalapeno shirt. Just send us an email at and say your first name, age, and the link to your shirt on Custom Ink and the top 2 winner's shirts will be shown on this very blog. Deadline: Nov. 30th.

2. Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cheap Clothes!
Do you love shopping? I'm sure you do. If you're like me, you love a great deal. I know a girl who said every article of clothing she bought was on sale or clearance. Wow! Anyway, I've did my research on cheap-cute clothes and i would say this website is the best one- do you see that picture above? Believe it or not, its like $10.00. I know, right! And you get it from where? It has a lot of good deals and cute clothes, which is just what every girl wants. I don't believe they have a real "store", though. I think its just an online thing, which may be a problem for girls that like to try on their clothes before they buy them. Thanks for reading!!!!

3. Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Insane, crazy, and just plain weird jobs!
Odor Tester
This one is pretty odd, but some chemists have to make sure that all of those deodorants and antiperspirants are operating properly to keep their users free of funk!
Fortune Cookie Writer
Yes, we've all wondered who the heck writes those fortunes in English! Finishing a take-out Chinese meal means you'll usually get those delightfully witty pieces of advice that people are so quick to read.
Professional Whistler
Believe it or not this man whistles tunes and does it for a living. Allegedly this gentleman is well versed in several different genres of music.
Braille Translator
Someone has to modify all sorts of texts and convert them to Braille for the blind. This can include novels, music, textbooks, and brochures. There is nothing wrong with making things more accessible for the blind and this one sounds like it's a quite useful job, but it does sound a little crazy.
Dog Food Tester
Watch out guys, this gal is going to have some great breath in store for you. Just like any other meals, dog food needs to be inspected too. I suppose they can't use dogs to test the food so this profession requires a taste testing of such a delicious cuisine.
Gum Buster
Have you ever sat in a park bench and had the misfortune of placing your hand in old gum? Well that's where these guys come in, removing gum that resides all over the place.

Crazy jobs, I know. Who would want to do any of that? Well, maybe some of them wouldn't be that bad. But a Gum Buster? How about a Dog Food Tester? You'd have to be extremely desprete for a job to take one of them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this. I know I did! But I want to tell you that I didn't think of all of this stuff up on my own. I got it from

Do you have a weird profession? Know someone that does? If you have the time, write a quick comment about a job you have, or you think, is crazy. We love to hear from you guys!

Now, that was my (Jalapeno) favorite posts that I wrote. Now, here is Chipotle's:

1.  3/02/10

A Few Thoughts

Why yes I do think...I have a few thoughts well questions for our readers. First off I would like to ask if you like the new look and the different pages. Please let us know! Also if you have any suggestions on a look for our web site please let us know.  Click on the contact page to get our email address or just post a comment. Thank You!

Any way moving on for today. Spring break is coming up! So tell us what you are doing. Staying at home going on vacation, etc. I personally am not ready for it because school seemed like it just started, but what ever. I am happy to have a break for a while. You know relax. That is what a break is for RIGHT? Yes! So just let us know what you are doing. My (Chipotle) Spring break consists of basically the same routine for normal life except I don't have to waste time doing school work. I am sad to say I don't like breaks, call me crazy, but it seems like I have toooo much time on  my hands when I do have one, but I am SURE by summer break I will have changed my mind about that.....  Tell us your thoughts about breaks school, etc. Also if only people had breaks at work, but it does not work like that we all know! That is what weekends are for. Unless you work on weekends....But you still probably have time for your self unless you are glued (shall I say handcuffed) to your desk like SOME people I know, but that is not the subject of the moment. My basic point is it is good to be busy, but also schedule some time in for your self. Also why I am saying these things is because we have not been posting lately because we have lives. BUT we do make time for you and bloging is our, shall I say, passion... Why so many DOT DOT DOTs because that is moment for thought on the subjects and to show I am thinking about it as well. So when you have the opportunity think about things and take time to be happy for what you have. Take time out of your day just to have time to hang with friends or family or just think. Like a girl like me might to is sit in a bubble bath and blast Taylor Swift music and cry...Well I don't cry every time I bathe. I laugh or sing or just sit there and let my skin burn off in the hot water... What do you do to UNWIND your tightness. Read? Laugh hysterically when no one is watching? Hmmmm???? What do you do. Now can tell I am in a talkative mood (sarcasm). Yes! OK So after reading this your all like "WHAT?" Well that after all I did say I was Spicy~!

With Love, Laughter, and a bit of Thought,

The two spicy girls Chipotle and Jalapeño

2.     11/16/09
The Journal My Friend Gave Me

A Short Story

I looked over to the phone and cried and cried because, well I'll get to that, but first lets start at the beginning. It was my first day of school and I felt confident, but I was afraid about everything. I walked around the halls and tried to get used to the new surrounding then I noticed there was no one I knew there. They were all supposed to go to this school, but no, they are all gone. I was scared and worried and impatient. I remember I forgot to take my medication and I popped a pill in my mouth. I began to see funny things around me and I started to sweat. I wandered around and then ran outside and puked. I ran home missing the rest of the school and I was worried so, instead of turning home where I was supposed to turn I just kept running and running. I knew something was wrong. I stopped on the side walk and screamed as loud as I could. I curled up in a ball and screamed and screamed. I can't tell you what happened next because I don't remember that well. All I know is that people swarmed me and I woke up in a white room with an IV in my arm. I looked down at it and I pulled it out and I became sleepy. I heard beeping and people yelling at me, but then I started convulsing and everything went black. I woke up again and took a deep breath and looked around. I was in a different room and there were more nurses. I could see my reflection in the TV that was turned off and I looked awful. My eyes were yellow and my skin was pail. My hair was damp from sweat. I felt weak and annoyed. I looked at the nurse and screamed at her. It was not a mad scream, but a painful scream. I cried and screamed at her she looked scared of me and her eyes welled up and she cried. I screamed at the top of my lungs and arched my back so my chest was towards the sealing. My face was red and my throat was sore from screaming, but I screamed for at least a minute straight. I started convulsing and I pulled at the bed. I looked at the nurse and pleated. “Help me!!!” I screamed and then blackness again. The next time I woke up I was in a straitjacket in the corner on a room that was white and soft. I laid on the soft floor and started to laugh insanely. Then I caught myself acting crazy and got an awful look on my face and screamed. I stayed there for what seemed like years, but then they said I could make my weekly phone call. I walked down the cold white halls and looked at all these people passing bye. They hissed at me or laughed or screamed. I was frightened and would hiss back or scream and try to bite them, but a big scary strong man was holding me back and I gave him and evil smile. The man was a brick and would not show emotion. They sat me down at a phone and I picked it up and dialed my mother and spoke to her saying I was fine and that I love her. She cried a lot. So did I. Then I took the big man's hand and he walked me back to my room. He told me his name, Gabriel. I smiled. “Like the angle?” I asked He laughed and took me back to my comfy room and put me back in my jacket and I fell asleep. I soon learned that he was my nurse and would help me get better. He gave me work sometimes like this journal. He told me to write my feelings down in it and to keep it close to me and write everything in it. That is what I am doing, but I am worried. I asked the lady nurse who gives me my medication where Gabriel is and she looked at me confused. “Who?” “My nurse.” I said. Then she said, “I have never heard of him. I have been here five years and I never heard of him. Besides, I'm your nurse.” “OK.” I said. I grabbed my journal and began to write so here I am now. I have not seen Gabriel in a long while. I am sad, but I know he misses me I miss him too. OK. I will write later. Bye-bye.

3. 12/28/09


Hello readers. Welcome back to another crazy day. It might not seem so crazy all the time, but it is and will become even more so as the days go by. We are trying to complete our goal of having readers send in all their crazy stories and more. So will do us a quick favor and type us something and send it in to us at As you are aware of our blog is a baby and is still under construction in it's own way. We (Jalapeno and me) are still planing and deciding on what to make our blog officially. Maybe a blog like in the earlier days more fashion or tips like FB FarmTown or What to wear on Christmas. Or like what we are in favor of and are doing on our blog at the moment is complete randomness like this post. Yeah I think that is what we are going to be doing. Also the stories I write, tell us if you like them, tell us what you want to read about rather that what makes me look disturbed (I'm not I just like to write creepy stories). So if you have any tips just shoot us an email or type a comment. So lets get to our post for today! (well the fun part teehee)

    So lets take a walk in the fictional world.

Going about town was dangerous alone. He new perfectly well he did not want to get hurt, or in trouble, and that is was the wrong thing to do, but he went any way. He was frightened. He saw several people that look harmful, but many that look kind. He thought to himself this is not bad I am fine although my mother think I am taking my nap, but she will never know I will be back after a while. I'm fine I am.....


......But he was WRONG! He soon was regretting every moment of his outing......


.......So he went back home, but who was there waiting made him shrink 5 times smaller then his, 4 year old, self. His mother was siting in her chair waiting. She new where he was. She took him and told him why not to go out alone and punished him......


 ......But he soon got lost and wondered everywhere from here to there. He looked to the sky and to the ground , but no one was there to help. So he gathered himself up and ran like the wind and lucky enough he landed back home and with a hop, skip, and a leap he jumped in side his bed and started to cry. His mother thought he was taking his nap the whole time, but he snuck away. He confessed with all his heart to his mother and she did what was right.......


Tell us which ending you like best for the story 1,2, or 3 Email us or comment!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Strange Kid's Clothes

WARNING: Bad Children's Clothes May Enduse Vomiting!

So for another day of a SPICY 6 month blogiversary week I will show you what the druggie fashion designers are making for our kids.....

Well you have to admit this is kinda cute, but the idea you are eating your baby is just...SICK!

Yeah....No comment

Even a baby would be embarrassed to wear this

Hi I am from Whoville


I hope you had another wonderful blogiversary celebration day! To give you happy baby filled dreams tonight, as a gift from us,...Look at this baby.... (Don't please) 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Caption Contest

Hello Blog readers, and welcome to another day of our Blogoversary Celebration! To continue the week off, I have picked a picture. I want YOU to think of a good caption for it. Anything you can think of, just send in to Send in as many captions as you can think of for a better chance of winning. In the email include your first name, age and state and we will announce the winner on Monday March 22, three days from now, with your information included. That way we can give you a proper thank you!

Hilarious picture! I wouldn’t want to be that lady! Well, that ends today’s post. I hope you had a lot of fun! Look again tomorrow to see another fun post!

With Love And Spice,
Chipotle and Jalapeno

Thank you Michael from Illinois! You gave us the idea to do a Caption Contest! Thanks so much!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Grossest Shoes

I have researched for some very ugly shoes to talk to you guys about today. These shoes are soooo gross It makes me want to vomit. I guarantee this will make you want to too!

No  Comment.

 Pink Ronald McDonald shoes?

If these are meant for summer time, then why do they have leg warmers attached? This is a major "fashion-don't".

First off, plaid and polka dots do not go together at all. Second, well... you get it.

Boot Moccasins and heels combined? Not a hit.

No Comment.....

Reptile skin is not appealing on shoes! At least not that way!

 I guess they are kinda neat.. but... wow.

What the heck!


Well, that concludes today's post. See you tomorrow for another blogiversary event!
With Love,
Chipotle and Jalapeno

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

6 Cute Babies

Babies are cute and in celebration on our blogiversary we will show you 6 cute babies!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Favorite Fashion Blogs

Me and Chipotle have been doing some researching on some really cool fashion blogs we think you should be aware of. We have a couple of ones here with some short descriptions on them.

I Am Fashion- A Fashion blog based in Hong Kong by two obsessed college girls that adore fashion. On the website you will find stuff like runway shots, online clothes picks, etc. They really know what they are talking about when giving advice. gives you a lot of extra information about I Am Fashion.

The New Pink- A pretty cool fashion blog that reviews the latest fashion news & clothes and is updated everyday with a new article.

The Purse Page- A purse blog that contains all the news and pictures of cute purses and not-so-cute purses.

My Lovely Big Feet Blog- Gives information for ladies that have extra large feet, but can still be quite fashionable.
Delight- The place to find hundreds of online stores and boutiques.

That's just a couple of our favorites. Do you have a fashion blog, or any other kind of blog for that matter? Send in your blog URL, a short description of your blog, and where the blog takes place at (State or Country) to We will advertise your blog on our blog. But, your blog MUST be appropriate for all ages or else your blog will not be shown on ours.
Also, if you know of a blog that you think our readers should be aware of too, comment on this post. You don't know how much me and Chipotle enjoy hearing from you!
With Love,
Chipotle and Jalapeno

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Weirdest Blogs!

This post is in honor of our Blogiversary......

Thank you Lea Smith for sending the suggestion for this in.

With all of my blogging experience including reading my favorite blogs I have ran over some pretty weird blogs you should look at. Not gross or inappropriate, but just kinda out there like a picture you see and you want to say  "Wow did that person really wear that to Walmart!?!" Speaking of that here is number one on our weird, but still good list, but I'll get to that Walmart one later because I want to get to things in order.

The Top 4

#4 Now number Four...

This person finds on the internet weird meat as in food that people actually eat it is so gross...

#3 Number Three... Dude!

This is some scary stuff. This blog shows the most dangerous roads in the world. The roads you would be crying on praying and screaming like a little girl even if you are a grown man!

#2 My favorite. I read this blog all the time and I love it!

They show you weird messed up cakes that people bought and were shocked, order and they messed it up, or just see at a store all weird.

#1   You'll see.......

People take pictures of weirdly dressed people shopping at walmart. Now you get what I was saying at the beginning of the post...

BTW I could have kept going on and on with this list of weird blogs...I really wanted to, but you have no idea what I ran into along the way..... Not that bad of stuff just hard to do! Searching and searching, but HEY IT PAID OFF!

*****Weird blogs may contain language that is not appropriate for children. Please do use caution when reading blogs. We like to keep our blog language and content appropriate for all ages if you see some material that is wrong please let us know and the blog will be taken of the list. That also goes for our blog too. If a post is offensive, crude, or even slightly strange that you would not want to share with your children or continue to look at please let us know so we may fix the issue. Thank you for reading.....****

With Love and LOTS of Spice,

Chipotle and Jalapeno

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Thank you all so much for sending in ideas to celebrate our Blogoversary! We have plenty of ideas now and we have picked our favorites. If you sent in an idea we chose, you should have gotten an email back saying we picked you. But come again next week for an extravaganza you won't forget! (Well....maybe thats exaggerating it a little!)

With Love and Spice,
Chipotle and Jalapeno

(Sorry we didn't have much posts this week. We have been pretty busy doing stuff and preparing for next week's celebration. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Reminder: Our Blogoversary

Hello! I know we are probably bugging you about this, and nagging you to participate. But Our Blogoversary is less then a week away and I just wanted to let you know that you can still send in some ideas to celebrate. You are aloud to send in stuff until this Saturday, the 13th. Me and Chipotle want a little time to prepare ourselves to what we are doing all next week. As mentioned in previous posts, next week we will have a new post EVERY SINGLE DAY and the extravaganza ends Monday the 22nd. One whole week of new posts! Great, huh? So please, please, please send in some ideas! (I know, I'm nagging you again!) And also thanks so much to all that have already sent in an idea! And if those people (you know who you are) have some more ideas that they thought of later, you can always send in another email. You have no limit to how many emails you can send in; everything helps.
We have less then a week! (I am so desperate aren't I? Hehe...)

With Lots of Love and Spice,
Your BFFTTAFs (Best Friends For Today, Tomorrow And Forever)
Chipotle and Jalapeno


Dude~! Yeah I know right......

Anyway for today I would like to say sorry if you could not get onto our site for a while we had some technical difficulties. They are fixed now so YEAH! If you experience any more issues please send us an email or post a comment.  Thanks!

Alright so you want to know where I got this picture from....? Facebook. On one of the adds near the side I saw this baby had to save it to my pictures and share it with you. SO CUTE! I added the "DUDE!" part, yes, because I felt that there was a need for a small, but strong word to describe this baby and "DUDE!"  was it. What other word do you think could describe this baby??? When telling us it can't be dirty and must be appropriate if you choose to comment about the baby. Anyway I love this picture.....Do you?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Voice mail :) hahaha

We all struggle with our voice mail thinking "I sound like a baby" or "That was awful" or you are just plain self conscious. Well I found a solution many of you may already do this...


“Hello?....H-..Hello?.....I-I can't hear what your saying........Your breaking up really bad......Can you--Can you call me back............Just kidding leave your message bye.”

Then the other person on the line will fight with the voice mail trying to have a conversation with you then they might even call back and do it all over again until they wait long enough to hear just kidding leave me a message. I love this it is so funny, but not so fun for the other person on the line :) I would know.... hahaha

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Unknown Facts about Chocolate

OK, if you asked someone right now what their favorite sweet, high-caloried item is, I'm sure that chocolate would be near the top of their list. Well, this post will tell you all about chocolate, and don't worry. These facts are good facts. Not ones that make you depressed! (Well, it shouldn't, but if it does, sorry.)

  • Chocolate is acually and energy source. One chocolate chip is enough energy for an adult to walk 150 feet!

  • Chocolate has great health benefits. Chocolate contains over 300 chemicals, and some of them are found in anti-depressants. Chocolate makes you feel better... or, not depressed. So now it makes sense why in movies when their Boyfriend breaks up with them, they are eating a big tub of chocolate! It also helps with tumors and high blood pressure.

  • People spend more that $7 billion George Washington's a year on chocolate.

  • Most people eat 12 pounds of chocolate a year!

  • Milk chocolate is the most preferred kind, but Dark chocolate is popular among men.

  • Prior to popular belief, chocolate does NOT cause acne. Its a myth.

  • Another myth: chocolate does not cause headaches. Headaches are caused by stress, hunger, irregular sleep patterns, and hormone changes. 
         Pretty interesting, huh? I think its so cool that chocolate makes you feel better!
With Love and Spice,
Chipotle and Jalapeno

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Little Music

OK to day I just want to say.... THANKS! We are almost to the 600 hits mark and I am so happy. Thank you for reading and laughing and crying with us. We love our readers so we will do the readers' favorite type of post all you have to do is comment or email us!  Just say "Hi I want you to do a post where you make fun of clothes"  or any thing else you can think of! Thank you!!!

Alright like yesterday I was talking about for part of the post sitting in a bubble bath blasting Taylor Swift music and crying well...I think that her music is really good for all emotions there is mad, in love, braking up, sad, and any other emotion you can think of on her two Cd's Taylor Swift and Fearless....She also had a Christmas CD out in December (I bought it) and it has 6 songs all great for your Christmas-y mood. I am sorry this sounds like a big advertisement, but I am a huge fan. Not like screaming and crazy, I just love her music....! So any way you might like it too. Listen to some samples if you have never heard it before.

 With love and a little music,

                Chipotle and Jalapeño 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Few Thoughts

Why yes I do think...I have a few thoughts well questions for our readers. First off I would like to ask if you like the new look and the different pages. Please let us know! Also if you have any suggestions on a look for our web site please let us know.  Click on the contact page to get our email address or just post a comment. Thank You!

Any way moving on for today. Spring break is coming up! So tell us what you are doing. Staying at home going on vacation, etc. I personally am not ready for it because school seemed like it just started, but what ever. I am happy to have a break for a while. You know relax. That is what a break is for RIGHT? Yes! So just let us know what you are doing. My (Chipotle) Spring break consists of basically the same routine for normal life except I don't have to waste time doing school work. I am sad to say I don't like breaks, call me crazy, but it seems like I have toooo much time on  my hands when I do have one, but I am SURE by summer break I will have changed my mind about that.....  Tell us your thoughts about breaks school, etc. Also if only people had breaks at work, but it does not work like that we all know! That is what weekends are for. Unless you work on weekends....But you still probably have time for your self unless you are glued (shall I say handcuffed) to your desk like SOME people I know, but that is not the subject of the moment. My basic point is it is good to be busy, but also schedule some time in for your self. Also why I am saying these things is because we have not been posting lately because we have lives. BUT we do make time for you and bloging is our, shall I say, passion... Why so many DOT DOT DOTs because that is moment for thought on the subjects and to show I am thinking about it as well. So when you have the opportunity think about things and take time to be happy for what you have. Take time out of your day just to have time to hang with friends or family or just think. Like a girl like me might to is sit in a bubble bath and blast Taylor Swift music and cry...Well I don't cry every time I bathe. I laugh or sing or just sit there and let my skin burn off in the hot water... What do you do to UNWIND your tightness. Read? Laugh hystericaly when no one is watching? Hmmmm???? What do you do. Now can tell I am in a talkative mood (sarcasm). Yes! OK So after reading this your all like "WHAT?" Well that after all I did say I was Spicy~!

With Love, Laughter, and a bit of Thought,

The two spicy girls Chipotle and Jalapeño