Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Fictional Lives

Me and Chipotle have reached another Mental Block in our writing career, and  you know what that means: nothing to write. But we have came up with a brilliant idea that we think you will like. A couple of days a week (whenever we get inspired) we will write a fictional diary thing that will make this blog seem like a real blog. A real blog is where people say what they are doing, how they feel, etc. Our blog isn't like that, as you know- we write about whatever interests us. Anything. You really can't summarize our blog- you can only really say we are random bloggers that write whatever we feel like writing. So what we have decided to do was to actually make this a real blog- well, a part time blog. Part of the time we will be writing about our fictional lives, the other part, the original idea of this blog: anything random.
What we mean by fictional lives is this: our lives are wayyyy to boring, and if we wrote about it, you would be asleep within a couple sentences! So we are going to be writing about a fictional day, which means we are going to write fake stories about what is happening in our lives. We will make it interesting and addicting! Does this make any sense?
With Love and Spice,
Chipotle and Jalapeno

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