Saturday, May 8, 2010

14 Quirks about me (Jalapeno)

1. If I start thinking about the future, or something I would like to do, I must start walking back and forth.
2. If I stand for long periods of time, my legs start to itch.
3. Sometimes I replay me and someone else's conversation in my head all day long, and I say out loud what I acually said to the person.
4. When I am done eating at a restuarant I stack up all of my plates and silverware even if the rest of the people eating with me are not finished yet.
5. When I go out into the sun right after being in a dark room, I sneeze.
6. If I am holding it to go to the restroom, I get a shiver down my spine.
7. If I don't brush my teeth I feel guilty, thats why I brush my teeth every morning and night.
8. My bedroom must be nice and neat.
9. I look at myself in the mirror for about 4 minutes before getting into the shower.
10. I don't buy anything unless I can imagine myself using it. (For that reason, I don't buy much souveneirs. I imagine them sitting on a shelf getting old and dusty.)
11. I must lay on my stomach to get to sleep at night.
12. Like in #3, I also make my facial expressions.
13. I make my bed before getting in it at night.
14. I cry in most sad movies.

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